1. Murphy's Law - anything that can go wrong has gone wrong
In the past week, we have had several things break on us:
- kids' toilet
- downstairs toilet
- the refrigerator
- the dishwasher
- my car
- Ryan's car
- a pipe underneath the cement slab of our side patio
Can you say "SUCKY"? And very expensive? Thankfully and hopefully we have everything fixed for now. It just sucks to have to hand over a check for things you don't want to be spending money on.
2. I got out for a night with some girlfriends to see "Wicked" last week at the new Smith Center. The production was amazing, the building is beautiful, and it was good to see some friends I don't see very often and meet ones I have only know mostly online (I ran into a couple of gals). I cannot wait to take my girls to some of the productions next year. Especially excited for "West Side Story" and "American Idiot"
3. I have been burning the midnight oil a lot lately. Worry has been plaguing me and I have been spending many hours designing and tearing apart my website and other stuff. Hoping to announce my website is finally done in the next couple of days. Be sure to CHECK IT OUT. I customized it myself. It is a website, blog, and shopping site all rolled into one.
Here is a really cool senior album I designed the other night:
4. Zack earned his Webelo Scout award and is well on his way to earning his Arrow of Light and advancing to 11 yr old scouts.
5. The girls have been playing indoor soccer Monday nights with a women's league since the rest of their team is playing high school ball and they are still in 8th grade. They do pretty well against the older, experienced ladies.
6. Zack's team went down to Flagstaff to play in a tournament. They did decent, only losing once the whole weekend. The team kept a core 8 players from their old team and added 7 new guys to make a brand new competitive team. OUr regular season starts in a couple of weeks.
7. Ryan was ordained to a High Priest and called into our ward's bishopric as 2nd Counselor. It has not been that big of an adjustment as Ryan has been serving in the bishopric(s) as a clerk or executive secretary. We are used to him being gone early for meetings and staying after on Sundays. The only difference is I have lost my shoulder to lean on during sacrament meeting.
8. Madison earned her Young Women's medallion and also received her Patriarchal Blessing.
9. I have been gone a lot. I spent two weeks in California helping my sister get the nursery ready for my new niece who is arriving in November (we did a complete room makeover) and helping take care of my nephew (he is like one of the cutest babies ever). I will be going back to California in November to help out and to photograph my new niece and do some family pictures.
10. Getting ready for Halloween. Last year I didn't decorate for any of the holidays except Christmas. I was too busy and too whatever about the whole thing. This year I am still busy but I figured I will make the time. I have a bunch of awesome stuff pinned on Pinterest and so I am hoping to carry out an idea or two to spruce up our homefront. I also went Goodwill treasure hunting and managed to find some great pieces to make this year's Halloween costumes. My sewing machine and I are going to be best friends for the next long while.
So that is just a small smattering of what's been going on at our house the last couple of weeks or so. And with the clock ticking 4:25am, I guess I should call it a night.